Prometheus Lighting can source and supply a large variety of lighting equipment. Please let us know your needs and we will be pleased to help you.
you can find  our contact details here, or fill out  the sales inquiry form




We have close contacts to a number of manufactures whose product range will be found on their websites

Ego ControlsEgo Controls manufactures Lighting Boards running Prego Lighting software as well as supplying the Prego software itself.
Prometheus Lighting is one of their main distributors.


LT LightingLT lighting manufactures Lighting Boards, Dimmers and Controllers, we can supply all of their range at competitive prices



RVE  makes lighting fixtures as well as dimmers, and also distrubutes EGO in France we have very close conections to them.


SNS-TwoLine-Transparent1Sand network systems manufacture multi-protocol ethernet nodes that can be configured from inside the Prego Software
we can supply all of their products.